
Written and accurate as at: Jan 13, 2025 Current Stats & Facts There’s no telling how the market will perform in a given year. While many investors like to consider themselves expert prognosticators, the market operates according to whims that are difficult to accurately predict. But all the...

Written and accurate as at: Dec 13, 2024 Current Stats & Facts It’s common for older Australians to feel anxious about running out of money. After all, you’re particularly vulnerable to shocks as a retiree because the pool of money you’re drawing from isn’t benefiting from regular...

Written and accurate as at: Nov 14, 2024 Current Stats & Facts Just as companies monitor the net flow of cash to ensure bills are paid, profits remain high, and investment opportunities aren’t missed, individuals that track and categorise their spending often find they’re better equipped to...

Written and accurate as at: Oct 14, 2024 Current Stats & Facts  As you or your parents grow older and the realisation that some form of aged care may be needed starts to set in, it’s easy to find yourself worrying about the cost. After all, such...

Written and accurate as at: Sep 13, 2024 Current Stats & Facts Retirement often forces people to put their spending habits under the microscope in ways that they didn’t during their working years. While you might find that you’re not spending as much in some areas, there’s...

Written and accurate as at: Aug 14, 2024 Current Stats & Facts According to ABS figures, the average household debt has quadrupled over the last 18 years, jumping from $62,000 in 2003-04 to $242,000 in 2021-22. This has worrying implications for older Australians, many of whom are...

Written and accurate as at: Jun 07, 2024 Current Stats & Facts As the 2023-24 financial year winds down, many Australians are finding they have plenty of financial upkeep to do. Below, we run through some upcoming changes you should be aware of, as well as a few...

Written and accurate as at: May 08, 2024 Current Stats & Facts If a relative or loved one dies owing money, does it fall on their next of kin to cover any unpaid debts? Generally speaking, you won’t be called on to foot the bill for any...

Written and accurate as at: May 15, 2024 Current Stats & Facts Treasurer Jim Chalmers handed down the 2024-25 Federal Budget last night, forecasting a surplus of $9.3 billion this financial year. This is the second year in a row the Albanese Government has delivered a surplus,...